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Can SQ015L be developed in C?

septiembre 18, 2020 by Jaylon 1608

When I first started contacting the chip, I encountered a simple program under Win10 and prompted that the memory is not enough. Test with an empty program, and the compilation shows that it occupies 30 RAM. If it is written in a little bit, it is larger than 48. The compilation fails. Why?

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Trevon Publicado en September 18, 2020

This C initialization variable is used and cannot be avoided. This problem does not exist if you initialize variables yourself in assembly.

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Aiyana Publicado en September 18, 2020

The tool group has been thinking of ways to optimize. At present, if the RAM is not enough with C, it can only be solved by assembly programming.

The assembly of this simple instruction set is not as difficult as imagined. If you use C, you should call as few functions as possible, and it is best to write all of a MAIN.

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Kaiya Publicado en September 18, 2020

Rewrite C in the way of assembly.


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